Friday, October 12, 2007

Day 1 - Durga

Dear Valued Readers, Patrons and Friends of the Temple of Fine Arts

Yesterday, October 12th 2007 marked the beginning of the Navarathri celebrations at the Temple of Fine Arts. It started off with prayers at 5.30am which concluded with an arathi.
The noon puja commenced at 11.15am with a short prayer, brahmaarpanam and arathi. At 6.30pm, everyone assembled in the main hall for a short prayer, and then proceeded to the stage where the Rangapuja (the offering of prayers to the Goddess of the stage) was held. This was followed by the Aradhana's of music and dance by the students of The Temple of Fine Arts.

We were privileged to have Shri Nandakumar and Shri Vijayakumar of Lunas as our guest artistes for the night. They rendered a number of Carnatic songs, mainly compositions on The Divine Mother.

Following the Aradhana's, Devi was lead in a procession to Annalakshmi where the Maha Arathi
concluded the days festivities.

Here are some snapshots, feast your eyes!

Devi on her palanquin being lead into the main hall.

After the procession, Devi was placed on her oonjal (swing).

The Divine Mother

Thank you for your time and we certainly hope that you will join us in these celebrations tomorrow, and the days to come!

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